It is extremely important to us that our tenants feel safe and comfortable in their homes. As a registered social landlord, we are focused on maintaining our properties to the highest possible standards. We provide an effective and responsive repairs service to all our tenants and are committed to performing routine maintenance on all our properties. Where possible, we will adapt, upgrade and modify properties to better suit the needs of our tenants.

We value our tenant’s trust and endeavour to protect their privacy as much as possible throughout the maintenance and repairs process. We strive to ensure that all maintenance work is carried out as promptly, effectively and sensitively as possible. Our highly experienced maintenance team understands our tenants’ needs are are always looking for ways to minimise disruption during the maintenance period.

Where possible, we will use our own inhouse repairs team for the majority of minor repairs. Depending on the nature of the issue and the geographic area of the property, we may at times outsource the work to specialist contractors.

We aim to undertake all repairs in the quickest time possible. To help us do this, we have established a priority system to ensure that the more urgent the repair, the quicker it is put right.

Emergency Repairs

These repairs will be carried out
in 4 hours

Urgent Repairs

These repairs will be carried out within
7 working days


These repairs will be carried out within
28 working days

Tenants, family members and support staff can report repairs to us:

By telephone: 0191 6500988

By Email:

More information regarding repairs and maintenance can be found in our Tenancy Agreements and Tenants’ Handbook.



We consider all tenants who are referred to us via official channels. If you’d like more information about the eligibility process, please get in touch.

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How can we help?

We understand how vitally important it is to listen to the queries, demands and preferences of our tenants. If you need information, or to raise a concern, please get in touch.

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    What our clients say

    I have recently taken over as team leader for one of your schemes and just wanted to give some feed back on one of your Housing officers Caroline Mathews, I have had numerous of phone calls / emails with Caroline in regards to the scheme as we have quite a lot going on at the present time and I would just like to say how compassionate, caring and professional Caroline has been with Myself, staff and the service users, any issues at the scheme has had has been dealt with immediately and resolved.

    Caroline visited the scheme today to support me to discuss an upcoming eviction with one of our service users, while she was here Caroline spent time looking around the service and meeting the service users, I discussed with Caroline about possible ideas for the service and Caroline was extremely enthusiastic about the ideas and advised she would explore these and get back to me.

    Denae Ball, Team Leader, Highlea Care

    As a care provider we have developed an excellent partnership relationship with Auckland Home Solutions in the delivery of supported living services in Dorset. They operate professionally and maintain excellent communications with us and support the needs of the tenants. This has truly been evident during the Covid 19 pandemic, where Auckland Home Solutions have worked with us, in ensuring that all there tenants were kept safe from transmission through regular deep cleaning at the properties, which supported our IPC protocols and being responsive in with maintenance maintaining high standards.

    James Parsons, Strategy and performance Business partner, Encompass Dorset

    We at Birmingham Supported Housing are proud to work with Auckland Home Solutions CIC.

    As a Support and Service provider working with the most vulnerable in our society, we at Birmingham Supported Housing see AHS as a responsible and professional partner in helping the vulnerable amongst our community in Birmingham and throughout the UK.

    AHS has always attended to our call whenever we have asked them to, even in these difficult times of a pandemic and we are proud to call them our partner in serving our community locally and nationally.

    Sham and Manny, Directors at Birmingham Supported Housing

    She always communicates with myself and the staff team on a professional and personable basis. Over the last 12 months we have experienced some difficult individuals moving into the properties, however Nichola always works with ourselves pro-actively and for the need of the individuals we support.

    Regarding referrals again Nichola respects the staff team’s judgement when the individual’s are moving in, giving them ample time to settle into their new surroundings.

    I feel we work well as a multi-disciplinary team. Great stuff.

    Jackie Ball, County Wide Manager Support & Recovery & Community Floating Support

    Auckland Home Solutions C.I.C has and continues to work closely with Community Integrated Care to ensure that only the best housing, care and support is provided to those we support. AHS take time to understand their tenants and their needs and go that extra mile to help ensure they’re met.

    Community Integrated Care CIC

    I have been a tenant of Auckland Home Solutions C.I.C for around five years. They have been a great help to me, letting me live in my own flat with the things I like the most. The AHS team are always there to help if I need them.

    Tenant – Ian, 34, from Durham

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